So let’s throw ourselves into discovering Prague – the Old Town Square (StaromÄ›stské námÄ›stÃ) is definitely a great place to start. You will find yourself in the middle of one of the most visited and historic squares in Prague. This square has been at Prague’s centre since the 10th century and was its main marketplace until the beginning of the 20th century. The spacious 1.7 hectare Old Town Square has been the scene of great events, both glorious and tragic.
The Gothic tower with its Astronomical Clock is the main attraction. Watch the clock on each hour as Christ and his 12 apostles signal the hour as they emerge from the clock. The clock is meant to show not only the time but also the signs of the zodiac and seasons as well as the course of the sun. The ground floor of the clock tower displays temporary exhibitions; on the first floor is the Gothic Chapel and the top of the tower is great for views across the city and square.