The Klausen Synagogue (Klausová synagóga). This baroque synagogue was built on the ruins of a school, or klausen, completed in 1694. After the fire devastated Josefov in 1689, the Klausen Synagogue was rebuilt in 1694. There is a permanent exhibition of Hebrew prints and manuscripts, an exposition of Jewish customs and traditions and also drawings of children from the Terezin concentration camp. Do not miss this synagogue where you can see its beautiful interior with a barrel-vaulted roof, stuccoed ceiling ornamentation and stained glass windows and the marble Holy Ark, made in 1696. Klausen Synagogue is the largest of the six synagogues in the Jewish ghetto.
Location: U starého hřbitova 3, Josefov; part of Jewish Museum
Open: Apr—Oct Sun—Fri 9-6; Nov—Mar Sun—Fri 9-4.30
Closed: on Sat and during Jewish holidays