Internet, Phones, Post
Post: The main post office is located close to Wenceslas Square in Jindřišská street 14. This post office is open 24 hours. Prague’s postal service is quite reliable, but for important items, it’s best to use registered mail using couriers like DHL or FEDEX. Most shops that sell postcards also sell stamps and some hotels, so you do not need to go to the post office. Just put your postcards in the postbox – a distinctive orange colour with two mail slots. Postcards take about a week to reach overseas destinations.
Telephones: payphones accept phone cards and are located only in the city centre, mainly near the metro stations. Phone cards are available at newsagents and post offices. All Czech telephone numbers have nine digits. The international code for the Czech Republic is 420. To call the UK from Prague, dial 00, then the country code: 44.
Mobile phones: Prague uses GSM 900/1800. Major mobile operators are O2, Telefonica, T-Mobile and Vodafone.
Internet: you can find an Internet café on almost every corner. Expect to be charged from 40 CZK to 120 CZK per hour. Many coffee shops offer free Wi-Fi. Nearly all better hotels have on-site Wi-Fi or data points in rooms.