Prague’s former waste-water treatment plant was built between 1895 and 1906 and was designed by English architect WH Lindley. Surprisingly, as the plant was only meant to service a city of 500,000 people, it remained in service until 1967, by which time Prague had a population of over a million. Several steam-powered engines are on display, and more are being repaired; there are guided tours of the labyrinth of sewers beneath the building. Once a year, usually some days in September, all the steam-driven machinery is demonstrated in working order.
In Czech: Ekotechnické muzeum
Address: Papírenská 6, Bubeneč (bus 131 from metro Hradčanská)
Admission: 50 CZK
Open: 10am-4.30pm Sat & Sun May-Oct; bus 131 from metro Hradčanská