The trains from Berlin to Prague passes through the Erzgebirge mountains, and for a couple of hours, the passengers are treated to a series of beautiful alpine river valleys, surrounded by rocky escarpments and mountains.
Trains from Prague – Holesovice
There are eight direct trains between Prague and Berlin. The fastest train runs the distance in 4 hours and 40 minutes and leaves from Prague – Holesovice, bound for Berlin – Hauptbahnhof (Berlin’s central railway station).
train | from | dep. | to | arr. |
EC 176Â Alois Negrelli | Prague | 08:40 | Berlin | 13:20 |
EC 378Â Carl Maria von Weber | Prague | 10:40 | Berlin | 15:18 |
EC 174Â Jan Jesenius | Prague | 12:40 | Berlin | 17:20 |
EC 172Â Vindobona | Prague | 14:40 | Berlin | 19:20 |
EC 170Â Hungaria | Prague | 16:40 | Berlin | 21:20 |
Trains from Prague – Hlavni nadrazi
An ordinary one-way ticket from Prague – Hlavni nadrazi, and bound for Berlin – Hauptbahnhof, will cost 50.6 EUR for Second Class and 80.4 for First Class. Supplements will be charged for the overnight ‘sleeper’ trains.
EC 178Â Johannes Brahms | Prague | 06:29 | Berlin | 11:19 |
EN 456Â Phoenix 2. | Prague | 18:29 | Berlin | 23:30 |
EN 476Â Metropol 2. | Prague | 03:40 | Berlin | 09:22 |
Buying tickets online
If you wish to purchase tickets online, be warned that some international websites selling tickets do charge an extra booking fee, and you might end up paying up to twice as much compared to if you buy the tickets directly from the Czech Railways website.
Eurocity trains connect Prague to Berlin, Vienna and Budapest. It is a very comfortable way of travel, but not as quick as in other countries – Eurocity has an average speed of about 120 km/h as the Czech railroad network is not suitable for higher speeds.
Alternative: Private transfer by taxi, minibus or coach.
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