Recommended clinics and medical centres
The Diplomatic Health Centre (Na Homolce) Roentgenova 2, Prague 5, phone 257 272 146
The American Medical Centre, Janovského 48, Prague 7, phone 220 807 756
Canadian Medical Care Veleslavínská 10, phone 235 360 133
American Dental Associates, Stara Celnice Building, 2nd Floor Atrium, V Celnici 4, phone 221181 121
Emergency phone numbers
In an emergency, call 155, and an English-speaking operator should be able to assist you. If necessary, they will send an ambulance to take you to the nearest health facility.
Ambulance 155
Emergency 112
Dental first aid 141 22
First aid 141 23
Pharmacy first aid 141 24
Emergency medical services
Prague 5, Nemocnice Na Holmolce, tel. 257-271-111
Prague 1, Nemocnice na Františku, tel. 222-801-111
Prague 1, Poliklinika Palackého, tel. 222-928-111
Prague 2, Všeobecná fakultní nemocnice, tel. 224-961-111
In case of urgent need, certain pharmacies are open 24-hours
Prague 1, Palackého 5, tel. 224-946-982
Prague 2, Belgická 37, tel. 222-519-731
Prague 4, Thomayerova hospital, Vídeňská 800, tel. 4261-084 -001
Prague 5, Štefánikova 6, tel. 257-320-918
Prague 5, Motol University Hospital, Prague 5, V Úvalu 84, tel. 224-435-736
Prague 8, Bulovka Hospital, Budínova 2, tel. 266-082-017