• In English
St. Thomas Church, Josefská 8, Prague 1, Sun 11 am, Sat 6 pm
Church of Virgin Mary the Victorious, Karmelitská 9, Prague 1, Sun noon
• In French
St. Joseph’s Church, Josefská 4, Prague 1, Sun 11 am
• In Italian
Church of the Holy Cross, Na Přfkopě 16, Prague 1, Sun 11:30 am
Church of Virgin Mary the Victorious, Karmelitská 9, Prague 1, winter Sun 5:30 pm, summer Sun 6:30 pm
• In Latin
Church of Jesus the King, Kolbenova 14, Prague 8, winter Mon 5 pm, summer Mon 6 pm
St. Ignac’s Church, Karlovo nám., Prague 2, Sun 11 am
Church of the Ascension of Virgin Mary, K Dolům 31/5, Prague 4, 4th Sun in the winter months 5:30 pm, summer 6:30 pm, Sat 8 am
Church of the Birth of Virgin Mary, V Lázních, Prague 5, Sat 6 pm
St. Adalbert’s Church, U Meteoru, Prague 8, winter Sat 4 pm, summer Sat 5 pm
St. Wenceslas’ Church, Nám. 14. Října 17, Prague 5, 1st Fri in the month 6:30 am
• In German
Church of St. Francis of Assisi, Křižovnické nám., Prague 1, Sun 11 am
• In Spanish
St. Voršila, Národní třída, Prague 1, Sun 1130 am
Church of Virgin Mary the Victorious, Karmelitská 9, Prague 1, Sat 7 pm
• In Portuguese
St. Thomas Church, Josefská 8, Prague 1
St. Barbara’s Chapel Sun 1215 pm
St. Jacob’s Basilica (Bazilika sv. Jakuba), Prague 1, M. Štupartská 6