The Golf Resort of Zbraslav and some hotels in Prague, are providing Golf Lessons/Courses; two such places are: Hotel Cechie and Erpet Golf Centrum. Dozens of other golf resorts can be found all over the Czech countryside, always thoughtfully situated in undulating forest terrains, with excellent views of rivers and valleys, or in the romantic environment of parks. The basic services provided to visitors include golf equipment rental, top-quality beginners and advanced courses – and a wide range of complementary sports activities. Some of the top category hotels have golf courses of their own.
- Golf Club Prague (Hodkovičky)
Hodkovičky is a nine-hole, par 36/72 normalised course and is situated on the right hand of the Vltava river behind the railway viaduct. Address: Vltavanů 982, Prague 4.
- Golf Club Praha Hostivař
The Hostivař Golf Club, situated on the eastern edge of the capital, offers a nine-hole course and a full range of facilities, including a covered driving range and a small golf academy. Though Golf Park Hostivař covers a small area, it offers tremendous value. Address: Hornoměcholupská 565, Prague 10.
- Golf Club Academics, Address: Rohanský ostrov, Prague 8
- Golf Club Praha (this nine-hole golf course is just behind Hotel Golf), Address: Plzeňská 401/2, Prague 5
- Erpet Golf Centrum (18-hole virtual reality golf course), Address: Strakonická 510, Smíchov, Praha 5
- Golfový klub Čechie Praha, Address: U Sluncové 618, Prague 8
- Golf Club Erpet, Address: Strakonická 2860/4, Prague 5.