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HomeGalleriesPrague Galleries

Prague Galleries

Here’s the list of Prague galleries. You can also check Prague Post or Culture in Prague (Ceska Kultura), the newspaper for recent exhibitions and events.

The National Gallery in Prague

The National Gallery comprises many buildings around Prague and is famous worldwide for its collections. All exhibitions are open daily 10am-6pm except Mondays.

National Gallery art collections

Here you will find a collection of paintings and sculptures from the Czech Baroque period.

Location: Hradčanské nám. 2, Prague Castle.

This house Old Master-art from the classical era to the end of the Baroque era.

Location: Hradčanské nám. 15, Prague Castle.

There is a permanent exhibition of Asian Art.

Location: Bartoňova 2, Zbraslav.

There is a permanent collection of prints and drawings. You will also find landscapes in Czech Art (17th-20th centuries).

Location: Old Town Square 12.

This houses Czech medieval and Central European art (1200-1550) and neo-Gothic and 19th-century works.

Location: U Milosrdných 17, Old Town.

  • St George’s Convent

This is for old art collections such as Mannerism and Baroque in Bohemia (H. von Aachen, B. Spranger, A. de Vries, K. Škréta, F. M. Brokof, M. B. Braun, P. Brandl, J. Kupecký, V. V. Reiner, A. Kern, N. Grund).

Location: Jiřské nám. 33, Prague Castle
Open: daily 10am-6pm.

There is a collection of modern and contemporary art from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries art and foreign art. A part of the exhibition is also the Collection of French Art of the 19th and 20th Centuries.

Location: Dukelských hrdinů 47, Holešovice.

This displays Czech cubism.

Location: Ovocnýtrh 19, Old Town.  

Stone sculpture in the Czech Lands from the 11th to 19th century.

Location: Prague Exhibition Grounds (Výstaviště)
Open: Tue-Fri 12-6pm; Sat, Sun and holidays 10am-6pm.

Golden Ring House

This houses the collection Czech Art of the 20th Century. This exhibition presents the works by famous Czech artists including Toyen, J. Šíma, J. Zrzavý, J. Kolář, K. Nepraš, J. Sopko, J. Róna and others.

Location: Týnská 6, Prague 1
Open: Tue-Sun 10am-6pm.

Stone Bell House

Here you will find exhibitions of modern and contemporary art.

Location: Old Town Square 13
Open: Tue-Sun 10am-6pm.

Old Town Hall

This houses exhibitions of modern and contemporary art.

Location: Old Town Square1
Open: Tue-Sun 10am-5pm.

Bílek Villa

This houses František BíIek’s studio and works. František Bílek (1872-1941) was an important Art Nouveau and symbolistic artist, mystic, sculptor, architect, author of applied art, graphic designer, illustrator and religious thinker.

Location: Mickiewiczova 1, Prague 6
Open: only Sat, Sun 10 am-5 pm.

Municipal Library

This houses exhibitions of modern and contemporary art.

Location: Prague 1, Mariánské nám. 1 (entrance from Valentinská)
Open: Tue-Sun 10am-6pm.


Gallery of the Order of the Knights of the Cross

This is a permanent exhibition of artefacts from the deposits of the Order of the Knights of the Cross with the Red Star. Underground there is St. Francis Chapel with 17th-century artificial stalactite decorations.

Location: Krížovnické náměstí, Prague 1
Admission: 40 CZK.

City Gallery (Galerie Hlavniho Mesta Prahy)

Housed in the beautiful fourteenth-century Old Town Hall, the City Gallery Prague exhibits work from its permanent collection of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries with regular special exhibitions of working artists, focusing on international contemporary trends. The permanent collection of sculpture, painting and graphics includes Alfons Mucha, Jaroslav Cermak, Vaclav Brozik, Emil Filla, Josef Vaclav Myslbek, Ladislav Salon, Jaroslav Horejc and Frantisek Bilek.

Open: Tuesday to Sunday – 9:00 am to 6:00 pm April to September, 5:00 pm October to March.
Location: Old Town Square 12

ALFA – Gallery of Work

Location: Prague 1, Národní 43
Open Mo-Sa  10 am – 1 pm and 2 pm – 7 pm.
Permanent exhibition and sale of porcelain, statues, marionettes, art jewellery graphics and tapestry.


Location: Prague 10 -Vršovice, Rostovská 20/16
Open: Tu-Sa 10 am – 6 pm
Graphics, paintings, plastic art, glass objects, window panes, accessories and jewellery. 

Aktiva Nova Kodl

Location: Prague 5-Malá Strana, Vítezná 11
Open: Mon – Fri 10 am – 6 pm
Permanent exposition. Paintings of Czech painters from 19. and 20. centuries

Aktiva Nova Kodl

Location: Prague 1, Celetná 25
Open: Mon – Fri 10 am – 6 pm
Permanent exposition. Paintings of Czech painters from 19. and 20. centuries

Studio of Josef Sudek

Location: Prague 1, Újezd 30 (Ateliér Josefa Sudka)
Open: In winter, open Tu – Su 11 am – 5 pm

Studio Trmal’s Villa

Location: Prague 10, Vilová 11 (Ateliér Trmalova vila)
Open: on Thu and Sun 10 am – 6 pm

Atrium na Zizkove

Location: Exhibition hall in Prague 3, Cajkovského 12
Open: daily except Mo 2 pm – 5.30 pm

Camera Obscura

 Gallery, photo studio, library. The most obscure gallery in Prague.
Location: Prague 10 – Vinohrady, Ripská 4 (Trams 10,16 – station nám. Míru)
Open: Tu-Sa 2 pm – 7 pm

Czech Centre of Photography 

Location: Prague 2, Náplavní 1 (Ceské centrum fotografie)
Open: daily 11 am –  7 pm

Dejvice Gallery of Vincent Kramar

Location: (Dejvická galerie Vincence Kramáre), Prague 6, Wuchterlova 18
Open: Mon – Fri 11 am – 5 pm

The House of St. Charles Boromejsky

Location: (Domov sv. Karla Boromejského), Prague 6 – Repy, K Šancím 50
Open: Mon – Fri 2 pm – 5 pm,  Sat, Sun 2 pm –  6 pm


Location: Prague 1, Ovocný trh 2
Open: Mo-Fr 9.30 am –  7 pm , Sa 9.30 am – 5 pm
Permanent exhibition and sale of the plastic art from the 19. and 20. centuries, antique, jewellery, silver, porcelain, glass, clocks and furniture.

Gallery and Workshop Hnizdo

Location: (Galerie a dílna Hnízdo), Prague 1, Klimentská 2
Open: Mo-Fr 10 am – 1 pm and 2 pm – 6 pm, Sa 10 am – 1 pm
Gallery and sale of applied arts: hand-made porcelain, toys, hand-made paper, products of wires and plastic.

Gallery Bayer and Bayer

Location: Prague 1, Old Town, Retezová 7
Open: daily except Mo 12 am – 6 pm

Gallery Behémot

Location: Prague 1, Elišky Krásnohorské 6
Open: Tu-Sa 11 am – 6 pm

Gallery Cesty ke Svetlu

Location: Prague 4 – Chodov, Zakourilova 955/9
Open: We-Su 2 pm – 6 pm. Crystal tee-room We-Su 2 pm – 9 pm

Gallery 9

Location: Prague 9 – Jandova 4
Open: Mo-Fr 1.30 pm – 6 pm

Gallery ES

Location:Prague 4, Nuselská 5
Open: Mo-Fr 10 am – 6 pm

Gallery of Franz Kafka

Location: (Galerie Franze Kafky) Prague 1, Staromestské square 2

Gallery Fronta

Location: Prague 1, Spálená 53
Open: daily except Mo 10 am  – 12.30 pm and 2 pm – 5.30 pm

Gallery Futura

Location: Prague 1, Politických veznu 9
Open: Mo – Th  9 am – 5 pm, Fr 9 am – 4 pm

Gallery Gambra

Location: Prague 1 Hradcany, Cernínská 5
Surrealism, alchemy, media expressions

Gallery G7

Location: Prague 7, Haškova 3
Open: Mo – Fr 10 am – 6 pm,  10 am –12
Exhibition and sale of paintings and graphic. Pottery, jewellery design

Gallery Hollar

Location: Prague 1, Smetanovo nábreží 6
Open: daily except Mo 10 am – 1 pm,  2 pm – 6 pm

Gallery Chodoc Water Fortress

Location: (Galerie Chodovské tvrze), Prague 4, Ledvinova 9
Open: daily except Mo 1 pm – 7 pm

Gallery of J & B Kolars

Location: (Galerie J. a B. Kolárových), Prague 1, Betlémské square 8
Open: daily 10 am – 6 pm
Permanent exhibition and sale of works of  Jirí and Bela Kolars

Gallery of Jaroslav Fragner

Location: (Galerie Jaroslava Fragnera), Prague 1, Betlémské square 5a
Open: daily except Mo 10 am – 6 pm

Gallery of Josef Sudek

Location: (Galerie Josefa Sudka), Prague 1-Hradcany, Úvoz 24/160
Open: We-Su 11 am – 5 pm

Gallery Kout

Location: Prague 1, Retezová 8
Open: Tu-Su 1 pm  – 6 pm

Gallery of Crusaders

Location: (Galerie Krížovníku), Prague 1, Križovnické square 3
Open: daily except Mo 10 am – 1 pm,  2 pm – 5 pm
Art collection from the property of the Order of Crusaders with the Red Star. Remains of Judith bridge from the first half of the 12. century. Gold treasure. Chamber concerts.

Gallery La Femme

Location: Prague 1, Bílkova ul 2
Open: daily 11 am – 7 pm

Gallery Miro – St. Roch Church

Location: (Kostel sv. Rocha), Prague 1, Strahovské nádvorí 1/132
Open daily 10 am- 5 pm

Gallery Mystika

Location: Prague 2, Svatoplukova 2
Open: Mo-Fr 9 am – 6.30 pm, Sa 9 am  – 12 30 pm

Gallery na Schodech

Location: Culture centre Poštovka , Prague 5, Zahradníckova 1118/2
Open: Mo-Th 2 pm-6 pm

Gallery New World

Location: (Galerie Nový svet), Prague 1, Hradcany, Nový Svet 5
Open: daily 10 am – 6 pm.
Exhibition and sale of paintings, plastic art, graphics and art photography

Gallery of Robert Guttman

Location: Prague 1, U Staré školy 3
Open: daily from 9 am – 4.30 pm except on Saturdays and Jewish holidays

Gallery Scarabeus

Location: Prague 7 – Letná, Jana Zajíce 7, (within 200 m. from the tram station Sparta)
Open: daily 10 am – 6 pm; Café open 12 – 10 pm

Gallery Soho

Location: Prague 1, Zlatnická 4
Open: Mo – Fr 10 am – 6 pm
Exposition and sale of paintings, graphics and plastic art

Gallery Tvrdohlavi

Location: Palace Lucerna foyer, Prague 1, Vodickova 36
Open: daily 10 am – 10 pm
Permanent exposition and sale of works of art group Tvrdohlaví

Gallery U Prstenu

Location: Prague 1, Jilská 14
Open: daily 11 am-7 pm
Permanent sales of graphics and drawings of Czech and Slovak authors. Permanent sales and exhibition of jewellery.
Café U Prstenu open  Mo –Sa 10 am – 10 pm, Su 11 am – 10 pm
Live jazz piano every Fr and Sa from 5 pm.

Gallery Václava Špály

Location: Prague 1, Národní tr. 30
Open: daily except Mon 10 am – 1 pm, 2 pm – 6 pm

Gallery in Stupartska Street

Location: Prague 1, Štupartská 7
Open: daily Tu – Sa 10 am – 6 pm
Purchase and sales of works of art

Gallery in Lazarska Street

Location: (Galerie v Lazarské), Prague 1, Lazarská
Open: Mo-Fr 10 am – 12 pm and 1 pm – 6 pm, Sa 10 am –12 pm and 1 pm – 4 pm
Purchase and sales of paintings, drawings and graphics of authors from the 20. century.

Gallery Vltavín

Locations: Prague 1, Masarykovo nábreží 36 & Prague 1, Ostrovní 6
Open: daily 10 am –12 pm and 1 pm – 6 pm
Permanent exposition and sales of art of  the 20. century

Gallery Green House

Location: (Galerie Zelený dum), Prague 9, Újezd nad Lesy, Trebetínská 591
Open: We, Fr, Sa  2 pm – 6pm, 2 pm – 5 pm

Gallery Ztichla Klika

Location: Galerie Ztichlá klika, Prague 1, Betlémská 10
Open: Mo-Fr 10 am – 6 pm


Location: CAFÉ WITH GALLERY, Prague 1, Haštalská 3
Open: Mo-Fr 8 am  – 12 pm, Sa and Su 10 am – 12 pm

KD Vltavská

Location: Prague 7, Bubenská 1
Open: daily 10 am-6 pm

Keramik Studio

Location: Prague 8, Sokolovská 7

Universal NoD Linhart Endowment

Location: Prague 1, Dlouhá 33
Culture area for new expression in the area of dramatics, new media, film and art.
Open: Gallery, café, internet, media lab open daily except for Su 1 pm – 11 pm

Parnas Gallery


Gallery Rudolfinum


Strahov Library

Permanent exhibition historic libraries.
Strahov Picture Gallery – Prague 1,



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