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Friday, March 28, 2025

Public Transport Tickets

The Prague public transport system uses two types of tickets – short ride tickets and long ride tickets. Tickets can be bought from ticket machines (which give instructions in English and supply change) at all metro stations and newsagents. A ticket must be validated (punched) at the entrance to the underground station and on the tram/bus to mark the start of the validation period. Spot plain-clothes inspectors are frequent and will issue an on-the-spot fine of 700 CZK to anyone caught without a valid ticket or pass; controllers should show you their ID (a small metal disc) and give you a receipt. Tourists are famous targets as many tourists don’t know that they have to validate a ticket.

Public transport tickets can be used on any public transportation and allow transfers between lines (subway to subway, tram to tram, etc.) and types of transport (subway to tram, tram to a bus, etc.) for up to 30 minutes from validation for short ride tickets and 90 minutes for long ride tickets. Tickets are also valid on night trams and buses and on the Petřín funicular.

30 Minutes Ticket (Short Rides)

  • short_ride_ticket.jpgAdults: 24 CZK
  • Children 15-18 years and seniors 60-70 years old: 12 CZK
  • Children under 6 and seniors over 70: FREE*

90 Minutes Ticket (Long Rides)

  • Adults: 32 CZK
  • Children 15-18 years and seniors 60-70 years old: 16 CZK
  • Children under 6 and seniors over 70: FREE

*children or seniors must prove their age with some ID card

Short-Term Passes (Unlimited Travel Within Ticket Validity)

Most visitors find travel passes cost-effective and hassle-free. If you will use public transport more than a few times a day, definitely go for one. Day tickets or longer passes can often be supplied by your hotel concierge but can also be purchased at all major metro stations and newsagents.

  • 24-hour pass: 110 CZK (children and seniors 60-65 years old pay only 55 CZK)
  • 72-hour pass: 310 CZK

Long-Term Transport Pass

If you stay in Prague for one month or longer, it is a good idea to buy a long-term public transport pass. Most metro stations have ticket offices where you can buy travel passes. All you’ll need is to take two passport photographs with you and fill in a small application form. Don’t worry about filling out a form – for foreigners. The process is usually done directly on a computer. A quarterly ticket will cost you 1480 CZK, although you can buy them monthly for 550 CZK, five-monthly for 2450 CZK and yearly for 4 750 CZK as well. There are also transferable passes for 30 (670 CZK), 90 (1880 CZK) and 365 (6100 CZK) days. Passes may be purchased without providing personal data, i.e. they are transferable and offer a passenger-selected validity starting date in the year.

If you are caught on the metro without your pass, show your ID card or passport and ask for a ticket. If you can prove your identity, you’ll get only a 30 CZK fine, but you need to take the ticket to the I.P. Pavlova metro station to pay, where they’ll verify that you have a valid pass.

Free Transport

Children from six to 15 years and seniors from 65 to 70 years travel in the Prague area free of charge.

Fare Zones

Visitors to Prague don’t need to worry about fare zones as the standard Prague tariff includes all metro, bus and tram services, as well as services right out into the suburbs, including the airport. You only need to pay extra if you are travelling beyond the immediate suburbs of Prague into the surrounding country area.

  • The underground operates from 5.00 am until midnight.
  • Trams and buses run from 4.30 are until 12.15 am with very limited night service.

Ticket Sales – Ways to Buy

Tickets and passes are available at the following Public Transport Information Centres:

  • Metro/Tram/Bus kiosks at Ruzyne Airport, Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 arrival halls.
  • Most Metro stations have a staffed window where ticket and passes can be purchased.
  • Ticket vending machines at public transport stops dispense single tickets but only accept coins in payment.
  • An extensive agency network of newsagents, hotels, tour operators etc., also sell tickets valid for up to five days.
  • From a mobile phone with a Czech SIM card, you can purchase a 32 CZK ticket by texting “DPT32” to 90206

Automatic Ticket Machines

You can buy transport tickets at designated ticket sellers (including newsagents and hotel receptions) or at the automatic ticket machines located in each metro station. The ticket machines and tickets themselves may vary in design and colour, but they are still applicable to all forms of transport. The machine offers all types of tickets.

Ticket machine operation instructions

1) Select the required ticket.

2) If you are happy that you have selected the right type of ticket, then press the výdej button to confirm your choice. If you are unsure, press the button labelled storno and start the process again.

3) When you have confirmed your choice of ticket, insert coins into this slot. Most machines give change.

4) Collect your ticket and any change that may be due to you from the large slot at the base of the machine.

SMS Ticket

You don’t need to buy classic paper tickets when using public transport in Prague. All you have to do is a text from your mobile. Send an SMS to 90206 with subject DPT32. Wait a few seconds – sometimes it can take up to one minute – and your ticket will arrive (subject to your mobile credit balance). When you meet a controller, you show him your display with your ticket number. The price is the same as for ordinary paper tickets, 32 CZK, and is valid for 90 minutes. The ticket can be ordered only using a local sim card (from a Czech operator). Below you will find a listing of all tickets which can be bought from your mobile.

DPT32 – ticket for 90 minutes for 32 CZK

DPT24 – ticket for 30 minutes for 24 CZK

DPT110 – ticket for 24 hours for 110 CZK

DPT310 – ticket for 72 hours for 310 CZK

Ticket Validation & Inspection

Public transport operates on the honour system: you are assumed to have a ticket. All tickets must be validated, which means that you must insert them into the yellow stamping machine inside trams and buses or at the metro stations when you first use it. Tickets do not need to be re-validated when transferring services or starting a new journey within the validity period.

Ticket inspectors identified by an official badge regularly check passengers and are authorised to fine a passenger without a valid ticket up to 1500 CZK (reduced to 800 CZK if paid on the spot). There is also a 200 CZK fine for not having a luggage ticket.

Ticket validation



  1. What is a luggage ticket? How much do they cost and can you buy them from the machines? Are the machines open at the airport 24 hours per day?

  2. My husband and I had the same experience on a tram. We were treated like criminals on Tram #22, and were physically removed from the tram. Anyone can flash a badge, and if your not familiar with the “validation” process, and you’re a tourist, they will take advantage of your innocence. We were very shaken. Tourist bureau of Prague, please pay attention to what tourists are saying. It really put a damper on our trip, otherwise, we loved the city. Not sure we will return, though.

  3. Sorry to say that ticket inspector jobs are famous in Prague for attracting not so pleasant personality types 🙁 They are usually not inclined to let you go without fine, since their wages are (at least partly) based on the number of people they manage to catch.

    Also, situation with English info is getting better, but still not 100%. In most buses, trams and in all metro trains there are displays that show you current stop’s name, next stop (in Czech: Přístí zastávka) and end of the line stop name.

    Despite all shortcomings, public transport is actually excellent in Prague, in 99% comes spot on time and is very reliable, cheap way to move around, avoiding traffic jams in the center (by metro).

  4. In regard to the validation of the transportation tickets, we had a guide book that simply stated that we should have tickets because we could be approached by an inspector. There were no English language guides to the metro (our first mode of transportation in Prague) and no signs that clearly explained the validation process in English. After watching droves of people walk past the yellow machines on posts, it seemed that these were not functioning machines. We were definitely targeted as tourists with our suitcases and we were asked for our tickets, which were not validated out of sheer ignorance. Clearly, we were novices and unaware, not taking advantage of the system, but the inspectors insisted that the directions were clear and in English (they were not) and levied a 700 Kc fine on the spot. Unapologetically, I might add. Not the best way to begin a holiday. Validate your ticket on your first mode of transportation, whether it be tram, bus, or metro. Stick it in the machine, even if no one else seems to be doing so. Save yourself the injustice of being targeted!!


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